For questions regarding any of the below listed items please log into or otherwise contact them directly:

  • PMP or other certification eligibility, 
  • PDU qualifications, 
  • your membership (including changing your contact information)

 Advertising, Sponsorship, and Job Postings

  • For sponsorship and advertising information select 'Outreach' from drop down menu
  • For information about posting jobs select 'Jobs' from drop down menu

Why don't we list any phone numbers?

The Chapter is run by volunteers who fit in their work when they can.  Unfortunately it isn't realistic for volunteers to list their business or personal phone numbers for public contact. 

Mailing Address 

We have no physical office location. Please email our Chapter Volunteers directly to arrange for physical delivery.

All of the fields must be filled.

All required boxes must be checked

Thank you for filling out the form. A PMI representative will contact you shortly with more information.